Friday, October 16, 2015

Mural Project

1. I can think of a few different themes that I think would be very interesting to do at Bowie. One theme could be "Bowie Pride," we'd put pictures of people at sports games, people at pep rallies and people on the themed days like Pink Out or Hawaiian Day. Another theme could be "Stand Up Bowie." Since this is such a big thing this year at Bowie, I think this would be a good mural to make. It would be pictures of people with their friends and helping out the community. I think these murals would be very beautiful for Bowie.

2. I think we should let people use regular cameras if they don't have camera phones. One point of the mural is to unite people together who aren't usually with each other. If we exclude a group of people, then we aren't uniting Bowie students like we should.

3. I think we should put the mural either in the foyer of the L hall by the kennel, or by the library. We should put the mural somewhere that's a popular spot so it'll get seen by a lot of people. We should also put the mural inside somewhere so that it won't get ruined by weather. 

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