Friday, October 16, 2015

Great Black and White Photographers Part 3

1. What caught my eye with Roy DeCarava's photos was the emotion he was able to portray in these photos. You can tell that his subjects have a story, and he was able to deliver that story. I've always been interested in the time period of segregation, and the struggle people went through to be treated as equals. DeCarava shot during this time to inspire others to continue fighting. He wanted to show determination in his photos, and I think he achieved that. 

2. In the first photo, I see the look of determination in everyone's eyes. I see how happy I could be in the future if everyone would just treat us equally. I see the struggle that we've all gone through to be treated like humans. I smell the sweat of everyone around me as the sun beats down on our shoulders. I smell the freshly cut grass while we march through the city. I hear people chanting for freedom around us. I hear the sirens of the police approaching and the orders from the policemen to stop. I hear the inspiring words to keep going in my head. I can almost taste the victory that is sure to come. I taste the blood in my mouth as I bite my tongue to not say anything to the policemen. I feel the bodies of my fellow marchers around me. I feel the glares and hatred of the white people as we walk by them. I feel like I want to give up, but I continue moving my feet towards our goal. I feel like I'm changing the course of history.

   In the second photo, I see the downfall of my business. I see the unsold bottles of Pepsi around me. I smell the smoke around me as people light their freshly bought cigarettes. I smell the gas leave the cars as they drive by. I smell the pastries being made down the street. I hear the honking cars as they try to make their way down the road. I hear people's footsteps walk by without a second glance. I hear the people ridiculing me and my failed success. I taste my sweat mixing with my tears as they drip down my face. I taste the unwanted pepsis. I feel my eyelids become heavy with sleep as I fight to stay awake. I feel my muscles begin to give out as I lift yet another full crate of bottles. I feel like I'm no longer a human like everyone around me has told me.

3. If I were to create something to show other people Roy DeCarava's work, I'd want it to be something that a lot of people have access to and would actually check. I like the ideas of a poster or powerpoint, but people wouldn't be able to show people who don't go to Bowie his photography. I like the idea of doing something on social media. A blog would be nice or maybe even an Instagram account. If I did a blog I'd be able to express my thoughts toward his work and if I did an Instagram account I could do the same thing, but I could also have people who would check it regularly. If it's possible, I'd like to create an Instagram account for Roy DeCarava, if not, I'd like to make a blog dedicated to him and his photos. 

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