Thursday, October 8, 2015

Academic Shoot Reflection and Critique


1. A challenge I faced while going on this shoot was to not disrupt the class while I was taking photos. I didn't want the teacher to be upset that I was in there, so I had to be as quiet as possible. Another challenge was trying to get photos of students who weren't posing. I wanted to get candid shots, and I had a few encounters with people who would pose as soon as I pointed the camera their direction.

2. I found myself thinking a lot about keeping my subject in focus. For example in the picture of the leading lines with the students working in desks, I wanted to have the girl in the front desk in focus. Since she wasn't in the middle of the frame, the camera would automatically put her out of focus while I was trying to take the photo.

3. If I could do this shoot again I'd try to incorporate more composition rules into my photos. I was able to get at least one in every photo I took, but I want to challenge myself to achieve more than one next time. 

4. If I were to redo this shoot, I'd want to go to the same locations. I was able to take a lot of good pictures in these spots and I really liked the different angles I could get in them.

5. I think the easiest rule to achieve is either leading lines or rule of thirds. These rules have to do with how you position yourself and has nothing to do with your subject doing anything. You can get rule of thirds in almost every photo you ever take if you wanted to.

6. I think the hardest rule to capture is framing because with this rule you have to have the right location to make this rule happen. It has little to do with how you position yourself and more to do with the location of your subject.

7. The rule I'm still a little confused on is avoiding mergers because I don't know what is okay to cut off. To get more clear on this photo, I can go back to the composition rules website and read about that rule again. I could also go to google and look up merger photos and see what the photographer did incorrectly.


I really liked the different angles that Leslie was able to achieve while taking these photos. There's a lot of variety and I really like that. I really like the third picture she took and put in black and white. I love how it's dramatic and the black and white filter fits this photo perfectly. I think that her photos are a little overexposed, so maybe in photoshop she could try darkening her levels a little bit more.

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