Thursday, October 8, 2015

Academic Shoot

1. In this photo I used the composition rule of balance. This photo follows this rule because the boy sitting down and the woman standing up balance each other out.

2. The subject of this photo is both the boy sitting on the left and the woman standing on the right.

3. I think it's clear to the people looking at this photo who the subjects are because they're in the center, they're in focus, and they're the biggest things in the photo.

4. If you couldn't clearly tell what the subjects were, I could have moved to angle myself so that the table was not in the photo at all.

1. In this photo I used the rule of simplicity because the flag is in focus with a simple background of the ceiling.

2. The subject of this photo is the American Flag in the center of the photo.

3. I think the subject of this photo is very clear because it's the only thing in the photo except the ceiling.

4. If the subject was not clear to someone in this photo, I could have found a different less busy background.

1. In this photo I used the rule of leading lines because the students in the desks create a line going to the back of the photo.

2. The subject of this photo is mainly the girl in the front desk on the left.

3. I think the subject of this photo could be a little unclear because it's such a busy photo.

4. To make the subject more clear in this photo, I could have found a row of desks that wasn't as busy and didn't have the teacher in the background.

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