Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Post Shoot Reflection

1. A challenge I faced while taking these photos was that I wanted to be creative with my photos and not use the obvious areas of the school. I found that a little hard because I'd find a good square, but I felt like other people would have found that same example and used it. I wanted to think outside of the box. 

2. While taking these pictures, I thought a lot about the rules of composition. I wanted each of my pictures to showcase a different technique. One that I thought a lot about was my "Bowie" photo. I wanted to use the railing as framing, but I didn't want to distract away from the subject. To solve this problem I just focused the camera on the students working and zoomed in so the railing wasn't in the picture too much.

3. If I were to do this photo shoot again, I would try to improve my "Metal" photo. I would want to make the line of the fence a little more angled and not so flat. To do this, I would stand a little bit more to the left and angle the camera to get more of a diagonal line.

4. If I were to do this photo shoot again, I'd probably keep my "Happy" and "Square" photo the same. I liked how I had the lines leading to the main subject of my photo. I'd also probably keep the general idea of every photo I had and what technique I would use for that picture.

6. I wouldn't be interested in shooting these same prompts again because I would already know what to shoot. For every prompt, I had at least two or more other places and examples I could use for it. I like a challenge, so I would like to have a new prompt that I wouldn't be able to prepare ideas for beforehand.

Part Two

On Timmy's blog, I really liked his "Happy" and "Metal" photos. I liked how his "Happy" photo made me feel happy and I could feel the emotion in the photo. I also liked how his "Metal" photo used the lines of the Kennel to lead up to his subject. 

One thing I think he could improve on is trying to incorporate more techniques into his photos. 

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