Tuesday, September 1, 2015

First Photos

    This is my "Something Living" picture. I liked this picture because I think it shows the beauty that we have all around Bowie's campus. I think this is a good picture because the flower is in focus while the plants behind it is blurry, and it gives the picture dimension. I picked this picture because the flower isn't exactly in the center so it follows the rules of thirds. I used the manual focus to make the picture turn out the way I wanted it to with the flower in focus and nothing else. 

   This is my "First Day of School" picture. I like this one because it shows the entrance to this new school, and it reminds me of the way I felt when I walked through the doors for the first time. I think this is a good picture because the design on the floor has leading lines. I picked this photo because right as I took this picture the boy walked by and stood facing the courtyard. It makes me think that he is ready to conquer Bowie. To take this picture, I got in the middle of the entrance and crouched down so I was eye level with the doors.

Picture of Teammate

Free Choice

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