Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Photo Manipulation and Ethics

   Photographers often alter their photos a number of reasons. Some alter them to make them more impactful and others to remove certain people. Many people look down upon photoshopping photos because they say it makes the photos unethical. If a photographer is caught altering their photos, they can get their photos taken off newspapers, articles, etc. and they can ruin their career.
   I think this type of photoshopping is unethical. A photographer's goal is to take a photo to share a story. I think it's their job to tell the story correctly and not apply their personal opinions into it. For example, the person who edited the women out of the picture of the members of the Netanyahu's new government put their own thoughts and ideas to manipulate the picture, and I think that's wrong.

   I think this photo was the most unethical because it's indirectly body shaming Oprah. The person who manipulated this picture was practically saying that Oprah's body wasn't good enough. It's sending a message to all the young girls that you need to be skinny to be beautiful.

   I think this photo is the least unethical because all they did was move the pyramids closer to be able to showcase its full beauty. I believe that the person who altered the photo had good intentions because he/she just wanted to be able to show all of the pyramids. All of the other photos manipulated a person's physical body or appearance, and this one just moved the pyramids closer to each other.

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