Thursday, September 24, 2015

Academic Shoot Preview

"The Story"

   I think this photo has the best story behind it. The story that I get from this photo is that the students are helping out and giving back by serving less fortunate people. They're being generous by spending their time helping others. The people receiving the food seem very grateful.

"Action and Emotion"

   I think this photo shows the best emotion. Almost all of the students have a smile on their face. It looks like they are amazed by the experiment they've completed. They seem like they're having a fun time.

"Filling the Frame"

   I think this photo fills the frame with something interesting the most out of all the other pictures. The frame is being filled by both the students and the project they're working on. The smoke on the bottom helps fill the frame as well.

Part Two

   The picture I liked the most was the first one of the boy in science class doing an experiment. I picked this picture because it shows his emotion while performing the experiment. Also because it's a very interesting photo to me. The photographer was able to make a very simple thing, like pouring chemicals into a solution, into a beautiful photo. A rule of composition the photographer used was balance. The photo is equally balanced with the two beakers in his hands. Another rule evident in this photo is lines. The photo creates lines with the chemicals pouring out of the beakers. Also the beakers themselves make a horizontal line across the photo.

Part Three

   I think I could take pictures like these in classes like orchestra, science and yearbook  depending on what they're doing that day. I hope to be able to visit Mr. Chisum in orchestra, Mr. Mayfield in science and Ms. Dellana for yearbook. As a photographer, I would look for ways that I could apply the rules of composition into the photo. In orchestra, I would try to get lines by using the strings of the instrument to lead up to the musician. I would try to get simplicity in science by standing higher up and taking a picture looking down at a student against the black tables. In yearbook, I'd like to try to use framing with the computers or lines as well with the computers. To achieve those rules I'd stand on the side of the table and shoot the people working with the computers creating a line. For framing, I would stand in front of the table and shoot through the computers.

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