Wednesday, April 20, 2016

SNO Online Papers

Rouse High School Raider Rumbler
"High school is a chance to try various electives"

1. Tyler Roberge

2. This story is about the struggle and stress students face when thinking about their life after high school, and how students should take time to enjoy their high school career. 

3. "I believe however that instead of coming to high school in order to find the path that best suits what we are to become years down the road, our time here is better spent broadening our horizons."

4. "From the moment we step onto campus, we're told from the start by many people that we have to start thinking about the future: what college we want to go to, what kind of career path er want for our future life, and so much more."

5. He was a little wishy-washy with his opinion. He even went to say he wouldn't recommend not sticking to a path. In the last paragraph he admits that he hasn't thought about his life after high school and "this isn't the best idea for everyone and I don't recommend it."

6. There are no quotes in this story.

7. This is written in first person because he uses personal pronouns.

McKinney North High School Polaris
"Sleep deprivation affects student performance"

1. Amanda Morton

2. This story is about how students don't get enough sleep, and don't even have the possibility of getting the proper amount of sleep for their bodies to function correctly because of the early start times at McKinney North HS. Morton wants the district to push back starting times.

3. "Seven thirty a.m. is not the ideal time for teenage students to be beginning their day."

4. "However, this would be useless if the student chose to stay up later by the logic that they could sleep in longer."

5. She is very strong on her opinion, and she doesn't argue for the other stance at all.

6. There are no quotes in this story.

7. This story is written in third person because there are no personal pronouns.

Highland Park High School HPHS Media
"The college crisis: Is attending a top-rated university the only path to success?"

1. Blake Beckman

2. This story is about how students think they need to go to a top-rated university in order to achieve success in life after school. Students are now realizing that they don't have to go to an Ivy League school in order to be successful in life, but instead they should go to a college that better suits them.

3. "For this reason, the idea that a person will be doomed if they don't attend a top rated institution needs to be done away with. Students should aspire to attend colleges within their reach that suit them the best, and focus on getting the most out of their college education rather than worrying about an institution's prestige or face-value."

4. "For decades, American society has put a heavy emphasis on attending colleges with a prestigious reputation."

5. He is very confident with his argument, and doesn't validate the other side at all.

6. There are no quotes in this story.

7. This story is written in third person because there are no personal pronouns. 

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