Thursday, April 14, 2016

Opinions Writing Preview Activity

Apple refuses to violate privacy of users

1. N/A; Editorial 
2. Their story is about the fight between Apple and the FBI about privacy. The FBI wants Apple to release private information of the San Bernardino shooter to use it for their case, but Apple doesn't want to violate their customers.
3. "Although the phone could yield valuable information, we believe that the FBI is asking Apple for too much at the risk of all other iPhone owners."
4. "The FBI is also claiming that when this program is created (right now, for them it's not an 'if' situation), they will only use it when necessary."
5. The author was not wishy-washy with their point, and didn't agree or validate the other side of the argument. They were confident with their stance, and didn't question it at all.
6. There are no quotes in this story.
7. They wrote in 1st person because the author used the word "we."

Drug dog investigations have students feeling as though their rights are being violated at school

1. Granger Coats
2. This story is about the recent drug investigations at Bowie, and how it's making students feel violated and they think it's unfair.
3. "That's why I believe the DAEP should be a punishment saved only for severe cases such as students considered a threat to the school, the well-being of students, or themselves."
4. "With growing concerns over school safety, police officers are being assigned to monitor schools in record numbers."
5. He was very confident with his stance, and he didn't sway towards the other side at all.
6. There are no quotes in this story.
7. He wrote in 1st person because he used the word "I."

Social media, back at it again

1. Alicia Molina
2. This story is about all the recent internet trends and their origins, and how the trends have affected students.
3. "I thought that the video was funny but after a while it was starting to get annoying."
4. "People thought that it was so funny and they wanted Josh and Daniel to keep on doing the videos and posting them to Josh's snapchat story."
5. I'd say she was not as confident with her opinion as the past two were. She still stuck with it throughout the story though.
6. There are no quotes in this story except for those made by Daniel and Josh.
7. This story is written in 1st person because she used the word "I."

Beyonce causes controversy

1. Fuaad Ajaz
2. This story is about Beyonce's recent controversial song and music video relating to police brutality against African Americans, and the backlash she got from it.
3. "No one should be offended by a powerful woman using her position to defend and protect members of her race and culture."
4. "But apparently people think that celebrating an organization that among other things fought for equal rights, provided breakfast for little kids, and protected their communities is wrong."
5. He is very strong and consistent with his stance, and doesn't give into the other side.
6. There is a quote from Angel Y. Davis.
7. This story is written in 3rd person because he doesn't use any personal pronouns.

Is the AP World history test worth it?

1. Mia Barbosa
2. This story is about the AP World history test fee, and if it was worth it to pay money to take a test.
3. "I think that the test is a great way for students to get ahead in the competitive race for college."
4. "This meant that foe students who had been learning how to write essays a certain way all year had to try to put that knowledge aside and learn a completely new way to write."
5. She is very confident with her side.
6. There are no quotes in this story.
7. This story is written in 1st person because she uses the word "I."

A. A difference between hard news and an opinion story is that opinion stories are written in first person usually, and a hard news story is written in third. Another difference is that a hard news story uses quotes from multiple different sources, and an opinion piece doesn't use any quotes. Also, a hard news story is full of facts with hardly any opinions, and an opinion story is based off of an opinion and evidence that supports it.

B. I think there aren't many photos because photos take up space, and if there are less photos more copy can be on the page. A photo is up for a person's interpretation, and with an opinion story it's one sided, so if the photo would have a chance to go against their stance.

C. - Does technology help or hurt in the classroom?
- Is dance a sport or fine art?
- Should students be required to take a physical education class every year?

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