Thursday, April 28, 2016

HDR Photography

1. In order to create an HDR photo, I need to manipulate the camera's lighting settings. I need to take multiple photos of the same frame with a variety of lighting settings ranging from underexposed to overexposed. 

2. The equipment needed for this shoot would be a DSLR camera and a tripod. 

3. Someone might take an HDR photo to showcase the beauty a specific place has. Also to show the range of lighting one frame has the capability of showing. HDR photos make the setting look unreal and very beautiful.

4. Once we merge all the photos together, we'll notice how the lights and darks blend together. We'll see how one place can show extreme darks and extreme lights that we normally wouldn't be able to see in just one frame. 

Final Exam Planning Warm-Up

1. I'll be shooting this assignment next Saturday, May 7. 

2. I'll be shooting this assignment at my subject's house in her room where her makeup vanity is. 

3. My story that I'm documenting is my friend putting on her makeup from start to finish. I'm going to talk about how makeup makes women feel confident about themselves, and how makeup helps women feel comfortable in their own skin.

4. The only equipment I'll need is a DSLR camera in order to complete this assignment.

5. I want to start the iMovie with photos and b-roll of all of her makeup spread out on the vanity and also a photo of her clean face. From there I'll be documenting the steps of her makeup progress and b-roll of her hands and her applying the makeup. I'll be narrating over the photos and videos and I'll be talking about how makeup impacts a woman's confidence. I'll talk about the specific makeup item she's applying and how it makes her feel and how it affects the way she carries herself. 


Fit Bit Entertainment Story

Freshmen Letters Returned News Story

Damn Daniel Opinion Story

Tuesday, April 26, 2016


iMovie Preview

1. iMovie is a very simple editing program that is mainly dragging and dropping. To add a video or a photo, you just choose the clips you want and press play to preview them. You can trim your clips by highlighting the clips and dragging where you want the clip to start or stop. In order to get rid of a clip, just highlight it and click delete. 
There are many things you can do within iMovie including adding titles and effects. Titles can be added by going to the editing button and clicking on "Titles." From there you can choose the type of title, what it says, and how long it'll appear. There are also many different effects that can be utilized. To add an effect, go to the editing tab again and choose "Video FX." Here you can choose where to add the effect, what it'll do, and many more.

2. I already knew how to add, trim, and move around video clips and photos into iMovie. I also knew how to add text and title screens.

3. I didn't know how to add video effects to clips, and I didn't know that there were audio effects either.

4. I'm the most concerned for what my topic should be as of this point. I want something that's creative and abstract, but I also don't want it to be so abstract that the story is unable to be told. I also am worried for the narration because I want it to be more emotional in some way than just cooking or hanging out. I'm worried my narration will ruin the mood of the piece.

5. I'm confident that I'll have my photos done as soon as possible. I've had a lot of experience with iMovie also, so I feel like I'll be able to piece the video together relatively quick.

6. As of right now, I don't know the exact topic of my project. I do want it to be something that shows an emotional story. I have a few relatives going through some struggles right now that I might be able to shoot, but their stories won't be over by the time of the final. Another idea I had was getting my friend, who's a photographer, to shoot some photos and put them up as a mural in her room. 

Wednesday, April 20, 2016

My Opinions Story

At Bowie High School, students only need one physical education credit in order to graduate rather than one for every year. This has brought up the controversial discussion debating if physical education should be required for every student every year. Some people may argue that one credit is enough, and students shouldn’t let a physical education class take up space in their schedules. I think physical education should be required for every student every year that they attend Bowie High School.

Taking a physical education course can help students continue to be active and healthy. According to Centers of Disease Control and Prevention, more than one third of children and adolescents were overweight or obese in 2012. Being overweight or obese can increase the child’s risk to have cardiovascular diseases such as high cholesterol or high blood pressure. If a student is enrolled in a class where they learn how to make healthy choices they can help combat childhood obesity.

Physical education can range from dance, swimming, football and marching band. There are multiple ways a child can get the physical activity that is needed. Physical activity has lots of health benefits including strengthening bone, decreasing blood pressure, reducing stress and anxiety and increasing self-esteem according to the American Heart Association. Even walking around the neighborhood, biking to a friend’s house and playing tag with a sibling counts as physical activity.

According to the Harvard School of Public Health, Obesity is the result of having too many calories and not enough of those being burned. An energy imbalance can cause children and students to be overweight. If students take a physical education course, they’ll have a way to release that energy and burn calories at the same time. They won’t be sitting down in classes all day only working out their hands as they write papers or type essays.

Not as many students are performing physical activity as they were forty years ago, and only one-third of high school students get the recommended levels or physical activity according to the Let’s Move! Movement to Raise a Healthier Generation of Kids. A reason for this is because students at Bowie High School aren’t required to take a physical education course every year. On top of performing physical activity, these courses also teach students how to make healthy decisions and how to maintain a healthy diet.

In conclusion, I believe a physical education course should be required for every student at Bowie High School every year. Students can choose from large varieties of ways to get their recommended time in. These classes can help students live a longer and happier life.

SNO Online Papers

Rouse High School Raider Rumbler
"High school is a chance to try various electives"

1. Tyler Roberge

2. This story is about the struggle and stress students face when thinking about their life after high school, and how students should take time to enjoy their high school career. 

3. "I believe however that instead of coming to high school in order to find the path that best suits what we are to become years down the road, our time here is better spent broadening our horizons."

4. "From the moment we step onto campus, we're told from the start by many people that we have to start thinking about the future: what college we want to go to, what kind of career path er want for our future life, and so much more."

5. He was a little wishy-washy with his opinion. He even went to say he wouldn't recommend not sticking to a path. In the last paragraph he admits that he hasn't thought about his life after high school and "this isn't the best idea for everyone and I don't recommend it."

6. There are no quotes in this story.

7. This is written in first person because he uses personal pronouns.

McKinney North High School Polaris
"Sleep deprivation affects student performance"

1. Amanda Morton

2. This story is about how students don't get enough sleep, and don't even have the possibility of getting the proper amount of sleep for their bodies to function correctly because of the early start times at McKinney North HS. Morton wants the district to push back starting times.

3. "Seven thirty a.m. is not the ideal time for teenage students to be beginning their day."

4. "However, this would be useless if the student chose to stay up later by the logic that they could sleep in longer."

5. She is very strong on her opinion, and she doesn't argue for the other stance at all.

6. There are no quotes in this story.

7. This story is written in third person because there are no personal pronouns.

Highland Park High School HPHS Media
"The college crisis: Is attending a top-rated university the only path to success?"

1. Blake Beckman

2. This story is about how students think they need to go to a top-rated university in order to achieve success in life after school. Students are now realizing that they don't have to go to an Ivy League school in order to be successful in life, but instead they should go to a college that better suits them.

3. "For this reason, the idea that a person will be doomed if they don't attend a top rated institution needs to be done away with. Students should aspire to attend colleges within their reach that suit them the best, and focus on getting the most out of their college education rather than worrying about an institution's prestige or face-value."

4. "For decades, American society has put a heavy emphasis on attending colleges with a prestigious reputation."

5. He is very confident with his argument, and doesn't validate the other side at all.

6. There are no quotes in this story.

7. This story is written in third person because there are no personal pronouns. 

Personal Essays

1. A tip the writer wrote was to "Be sure your essay is about something you care strongly enough about to wax eloquent and passionate about it." That way you can create an essay interesting enough to hold people's interest as they read it.

2. When writing an essay, show the readers the emotions and the story rather than telling them. 

3. - Make connections. If you're writing about a global theme (poverty, unemployment, child abuse) bring the subject closer to home by relating it to specific, individual examples.
- Employ all the senses. Using sight comes naturally to most writers; push harder to convey ideas and images through sound, taste, touch and hearing.
- Think of your essay as a camera lens. You might start by describing a fine detail (your personal experience or perspective, a specific moment in the narrative), then open up the lens to take in the wide view (the general/global backdrop), then close the piece by narrowing back to the fine detail. Or go the other way. Start with the wide view, focus in, then open up to the wide view again.

Thursday, April 14, 2016

Opinions Writing Preview Activity

Apple refuses to violate privacy of users

1. N/A; Editorial 
2. Their story is about the fight between Apple and the FBI about privacy. The FBI wants Apple to release private information of the San Bernardino shooter to use it for their case, but Apple doesn't want to violate their customers.
3. "Although the phone could yield valuable information, we believe that the FBI is asking Apple for too much at the risk of all other iPhone owners."
4. "The FBI is also claiming that when this program is created (right now, for them it's not an 'if' situation), they will only use it when necessary."
5. The author was not wishy-washy with their point, and didn't agree or validate the other side of the argument. They were confident with their stance, and didn't question it at all.
6. There are no quotes in this story.
7. They wrote in 1st person because the author used the word "we."

Drug dog investigations have students feeling as though their rights are being violated at school

1. Granger Coats
2. This story is about the recent drug investigations at Bowie, and how it's making students feel violated and they think it's unfair.
3. "That's why I believe the DAEP should be a punishment saved only for severe cases such as students considered a threat to the school, the well-being of students, or themselves."
4. "With growing concerns over school safety, police officers are being assigned to monitor schools in record numbers."
5. He was very confident with his stance, and he didn't sway towards the other side at all.
6. There are no quotes in this story.
7. He wrote in 1st person because he used the word "I."

Social media, back at it again

1. Alicia Molina
2. This story is about all the recent internet trends and their origins, and how the trends have affected students.
3. "I thought that the video was funny but after a while it was starting to get annoying."
4. "People thought that it was so funny and they wanted Josh and Daniel to keep on doing the videos and posting them to Josh's snapchat story."
5. I'd say she was not as confident with her opinion as the past two were. She still stuck with it throughout the story though.
6. There are no quotes in this story except for those made by Daniel and Josh.
7. This story is written in 1st person because she used the word "I."

Beyonce causes controversy

1. Fuaad Ajaz
2. This story is about Beyonce's recent controversial song and music video relating to police brutality against African Americans, and the backlash she got from it.
3. "No one should be offended by a powerful woman using her position to defend and protect members of her race and culture."
4. "But apparently people think that celebrating an organization that among other things fought for equal rights, provided breakfast for little kids, and protected their communities is wrong."
5. He is very strong and consistent with his stance, and doesn't give into the other side.
6. There is a quote from Angel Y. Davis.
7. This story is written in 3rd person because he doesn't use any personal pronouns.

Is the AP World history test worth it?

1. Mia Barbosa
2. This story is about the AP World history test fee, and if it was worth it to pay money to take a test.
3. "I think that the test is a great way for students to get ahead in the competitive race for college."
4. "This meant that foe students who had been learning how to write essays a certain way all year had to try to put that knowledge aside and learn a completely new way to write."
5. She is very confident with her side.
6. There are no quotes in this story.
7. This story is written in 1st person because she uses the word "I."

A. A difference between hard news and an opinion story is that opinion stories are written in first person usually, and a hard news story is written in third. Another difference is that a hard news story uses quotes from multiple different sources, and an opinion piece doesn't use any quotes. Also, a hard news story is full of facts with hardly any opinions, and an opinion story is based off of an opinion and evidence that supports it.

B. I think there aren't many photos because photos take up space, and if there are less photos more copy can be on the page. A photo is up for a person's interpretation, and with an opinion story it's one sided, so if the photo would have a chance to go against their stance.

C. - Does technology help or hurt in the classroom?
- Is dance a sport or fine art?
- Should students be required to take a physical education class every year?

Peer Review SoM

Becca's Blog

Paragraphs - 50 pts.
5 Quotes - 25 pts.
Inverted Pyramid - 20 pts.
Extra Credit - 10 pts.
TOTAL - 95 pts.

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Earthquake Story

An earthquake hit the San Francisco Bay area on Monday morning at 8:12 a.m. PDT killing two people and injuring six. A building housing McHenry's Auto Supply at 2342 Plum St. partially collapsed. 

The earthquake had a magnitude of 6.4 on the Richter scale.

Names of the dead have been withheld pending notifications of the families. Of the six injured, three were hurt seriously enough to require hospitalization according to public information officer from the Hayward Fire Department Jennifer Vu.

The three were transported to Hayward General Hospital, but no other serious injuries have been reported, added Vu.

The earthquake took place under the Hayward Hills, according to Penny Gertz, a scientist from the U.S. Geological Survey in Menlo Park.

Gertz called the quake a "strong one" and said it occurred on the Hayward Fault, which runs under the hills.

Hayward resident Mike Beamer, who lives across the street from McHenry's, said he felt a rolling motion that lasted for about 30 seconds before a big jolt hit. 

"I was eating my breakfast when the room started rolling. I dove under the table just as I heard an explosion outside and a chunk of cement flew through my kitchen window. That's when the screaming start across the street," Beamer said.

Hayward firefighters used ropes to stabilize the auto supply shop, conducting a search of the building and capped a gas line after detecting a gas eat at the site.

Twenty-one fire personnel, twelve police and five American Red Cross workers responded to the quake, some within four minutes, according to Vu.

The quake was felt for miles.

People as far south as Los Angeles and as far north as Redding felt the quake, Gertz said.

Huntington Story

Janice Jones, 53-year-old California citizen, was accidentally shot in the leg by a dog at 10 p.m. on Wednesday. 

Jones was eating pork chops in her motor home when her dog, a pomeranian named Tombo, knocked down her 9 mm handgun. The gun went off when it hit the floor shooting Jones in the leg.

Jones was transported to the Huntington Beach Hospital and was later transported to the Irvine Medical Center.

A spokesperson for the Huntington Beach Hospital, Jim Washington confirmed that Jones was treated, but he gave no additional information.

Jones' dog, Tombo, was taken to the Huntington Beach Animal Control where Tombo was said to be malnourished and had fresh cigarette burns according to Janet Ngo, one of the animal control officers.

"It could have done with a little less abuse and a few more of those pork chops," Ngo said. 

Additional charges for Jones, including ones for owning a gun without a permit and animal abuse, are being investigated. 

Wednesday, April 6, 2016

News Values


- This article shows impact because it talks about how people have handled the terrorist attacks in Europe recently. It also talks about the consequences of this event.
- How ISIS Built the Machinery of Terror Under Europe's Gaze

Human Interest

- This article shows human interest because it appeals to people's emotion. It talks about people who are struggling, and it makes people want to help.
- Afghan refugees trapped in limbo in Greece with nowhere to go


- This article shows proximity because it's in Austin, Texas. It takes place in the center of our city, and is very close to many people in Austin.
- Homeless teen named sole suspect in UT-Austin student death


- This article shows prominence because the Pope is one of the most popular people in the world. Him, along with the Catholic Church, are influential people and a lot of people pay attention to them.
- Pope has good news for divorced, but not for gays


- This article shows novelty because it's not something you see everyday, and it has an unusual topic. People would be interested in this because it's a strange story, but still is newsworthy.
- Toddler who choked on octopus recovering


- This article shows timeliness because it happened today. It's a current event.
- State Department: American freed in Syria


- This article shows conflict because it's about the ongoing war between ISIS and their allies and the rest of the world. It's a physical conflict between two opposing forces.
- ISIL doubles its size in Libya in past year

Monday, April 4, 2016

Nut Graf

A Nut Graf is a paragraph in a news story that tells the reader what the story is about and why they should read it. It tells the reader the importance of the story, and the reader can decide if they want to continue reading or not. The Nut Graf was created by Barney Kilgore in 1914 because he wanted to be able to publish stories without saying "today" or "yesterday" and be able to write a story at anytime. The Nut Graf is also often known as the "News Feature" or "Analytical Feature."

A Nut Graf serves many purposes and is important to any news story. It explains why the reader should care about the story, it provides a smooth transition between the lead and the rest of the story and links them together, it tells reader why the story is timely and creates more evidence as to why the story is important. Nut Grafs are usually one paragraph long and are at the top of the story, often after the lead. Nut Grafs represent and convey the theme of the story to the reader.