Thursday, March 31, 2016

Student Of The Month Story

Who - Maddi Lynch, 9
What - Student of the Month
When - March 2016
Where - Bowie High School
Why - Maddi is very involved in extracurriculars and has very high grades
How - Student Council votes every month and they decided to award Maddi with this title. 

The Student Council at Bowie High School has voted, and Freshman Maddi Lynch has been chosen as the Student of the Month for March of 2016. Lynch is involved in a large variety of extracurriculars, and still manages her time in order to have high A's in every class.

Lynch is able to be a part of multiple organizations and continue to have one of the best grades in the 2019 class with her studying ritual. 

"I study pretty much nonstop, when I get up I study. When I get home I study. I study when I get ready. I have notes written on my hands that I study all the time. Turn off your phone and throw it away, put it in the garbage [when you study]. Then open your book and just read through everything six times. That's how you get knowledge," Lynch said. 

Principal Stephen Kane nominated Lynch for this title at the end of February. 

"I noticed that Maddi was always at the top of all of her classes, and it seemed like she was at Bowie for the majority of the day. I would see her practicing for her activities and she was a leader in those organizations as well," Kane said.

Lynch's mother, Colleen Lynch, noticed Lynch's interest in school skyrocket over the past few months.

"Maddi would come home and immediately go to her room to study. She'd only come down to eat dinner. I'm so proud of Maddi, I know how much she's been working towards this title, and it makes me so happy to see her accomplish this," Lynch said.

Freshman Reagan Wallace was proud of her friend's accomplishment. 

"Maddi really deserved this by now because of all the hard work she has supplied for her teachers. I had never heard of the award before so I was very surprised but I was thrilled that she was rewarded for her hard work," Wallace said. 

Lynch hopes to be Student of the Month for multiple months, but also hopes to encourage her peers to win the award as well. 

"You really need to take your school career seriously or else you'll fail in life. Just give up on your social life and give to 100% to school work," Lynch said. 

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