Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Sensory Overload

1. I agree with this statement because as the world becomes more and more cement and buildings, I think it's important to add color where ever we can. As an aspiring photographer, this inspires me to add more color to my photo backgrounds. I always shoot things with blanker backgrounds, but now I want to try to add more color.

2. When I saw these photos I definitely wanted to go to these places with my camera because it's such a vibrant background and I feel like I could get a lot of really interesting shots with it. I would want to challenge myself to take photos with such a busy background.

3. I feel like growing up in one of these places would cause a lot of happiness as a child, but I feel like it would end in disappointment when you went into the real world and realized that not every place is full of color. It would probably inspire them to bring more color into the rest of the world as well.

4. My favorite photo is the one with the girl sitting in the middle surrounded by colorful flowers. The amount of flowers and all the variety of colors makes the photo really appealing to me. I also like how the girl is completely surrounded by flowers. I've always loved flowers, and I can't wait to grow up and have a garden of my own someday.

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