Wednesday, March 30, 2016

My First Interview

Interview Questions
Maddi Lynch Quotations

1. What qualifies you to be the Student of the Month?
I'm very serious about academic work and very involved in extracurriculars.

2. What qualities do you have that helped you gain this title?
I have really good grades. I'm really friendly and nice and I just love school. The best part of my life is school.

3. How does being awarded this effect how you carry yourself?
It definitely gave me a very high self confidence boost because now I know I'm being acknowledged for my hard work.

4. Describe how you felt when you found out you won?
I was so scared because oh my God this is a big deal for me.

5. How do you feel knowing you're the Student of the Month?
I feel great, so much effort put into this.

6. What did you do to be awarded Student of the Month?
I just focused really hard on my school work.

7. How did other people react when they found out you had won?
No one was really surprised because I'm just so talented and smart and everything's perfect.

8. How do people act differently around you?
No one treats me any different because they don't see it as such a big deal as I do.

9. What makes you stand out compared to the other students at Bowie?
I'm just like super duper smart, way smarter than everyone else. I'm just like next level, like a professor. I should be teaching them.

10. What advice would you give to another peer who's striving to be Student of the Month?
Well they should just give up on social life and give 100% to school work.

11. What was your family's reaction?
My family doesn't really care, they're focused on being world renown surgeons.

12. What were your teachers' reactions?
All my teachers were really proud of me because they know how hard I worked for this.

13. What organizations or clubs do you participate in?
Well, I'm in choir, band, orchestra, theater, color guard, silver stars, and I'm a cheerleader. I'm so involved in everything.

14. What are your grades like?
I'm literally so talented, I have an A+ in every class.

15. Do you have any good study habits?
Okay, first turn off your phone and just throw it away. Put it in the garbage. Then open your book and just read through everything six times. That's how you get knowledge.

16. Describe an average day after school for you.
Well I have to go to practice for everything I'm in, and then I stay up until 5am studying for absolutely nothing.

17. What would you say to people who slack off in school?
You really need to take your school career seriously or else you'll fail in life. That's a quote from my grandpa.

18. What's your biggest school related pet peeve?
People who don't take their school work seriously, like what are you doing with your life?

19. How would you change the Student of the Month process?
Every month is would be me, no matter what.

20. How often do you study?
Pretty much nonstop, when I get up I study. When I get home I study. I study when I get ready. I have noted written on my hands that I study all the time.

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