Friday, January 22, 2016

Yearbook Introduction

Part One

1. Name of school on cover
2. Table of contents
3. Address and other information on the title page
4. Folios
5. Photos
6. Captions
7. Stories
8. Modules
9. Infographics
10. Alternative Coverage
11. Headlines
13. Subheadlines
14. Thematic elements
15. Dividers
16. Polls and surveys
17. Mugshots
18. Dominant Photos
19. Photo credits
20. Year on the cover
21. Name of yearbook and which volume it is on spine/cover
22. Colophon
23. Index

Part Two

1. Getting to know Rouse
2. Rouse High School
3. Some thematic elements evident throughout the book are the color scheme, maroon and gold, the use of the word "us", the fonts, the use of the phrase "getting to know", the designs of infographics.
4. There are 5 sections in this yearbook, "Summer," "Fall," "Winter," "Spring," "And So On..."
5. My favorite spread is the "Winter / Football Playoffs" spread on page 116.
6. Yes, it starts on page 212.
7. Yes.
8. Yes on the front end sheet.
9. 2,040 students go to this school.
10. This book is from Leander, Texas.

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