Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Prompt Shoot Peer Review

Peer's Blog 

1. My favorite photo was the black and white "Connected" photo because I feel like the photo portrays a lot of emotion and it shows leading lines and the rule of thirds.

2. My least favorite photo was the first "Connected" photo of the bike because I feel like the photo is just really busy. I think it would've looked a little less busy if the photographer would've gotten closer to the subject. 

3. The photos are very creative, the photographer really didn't settle for the easy shots. Also, the photos are cropped in a really interesting way that adds to the overall look of the photo in a good way. 

4. An area that the photographer should work on is including more composition rules into her photos. Besides that, I enjoyed her photos.

5. I think the photographer was the best at portraying the "The End" prompt.

6. I think the photographer was least successful portraying the "Pause" prompt.

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