Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Magazine Cover Peer Review

Peer's Magazine Covers

1. I looked mainly at "Cat Life" by Abby.

2. I liked her photo and her color palette she chose for this cover. I also love the cover lines because they're relevant to the audience Abby is going for. 

3. I'm a huge cat lover, so I saw the cat on the cover, and it grabbed my attention to look further into it. Also, the way that the cat's eye and the background match caught my attention as well.

4. Yes, there is a barcode and it's the appropriate size and location.

5. I would probably look at the magazine cover, but I wouldn't look further inside of it. I do love cats, but I don't think I love them enough to read an entire magazine about them.

6. I can tell that this is a self portrait cover because I know Abby. If I wasn't sure who she was or what she looked like, I probably wouldn't be able to tell if this was a self portrait or a regular portrait.

Peer's Magazine Covers

1. I looked mainly at "The Twilight Howl" by Aurora. 

2. I liked how the title of the magazine and the cover lines relate to the photo chosen.

3. A way that Aurora could improve her cover would be to change the color of the cover lines to make it easier to read, and to put her cover title on the top of the magazine instead of the bottom.

4. Yes, there is a barcode and it's the appropriate size and location.

5. I'm not that interested in dogs, so I probably would't pick up this magazine in Barnes and Noble.

6. I can tell this is a portrait and not a self portrait because the photo chosen for the cover is of an adorable dog.

Peer's Magazine Covers

1. I looked mainly at "Locks" by Jaye.

2. I really like the photo chosen and the color and fonts that were used on this cover as well.

3. A way Jaye could improve her cover would be to use more red instead of just having one of her cover lines in red and the rest in blue. 

4. Yes, there is a barcode, but I think it might be a little too big, but it's in the right spot.

5. I probably would pick up this magazine if I saw it in Barnes and Noble because Jaye's cover lines are really interesting to me, and I can relate to this magazine because I have a lot of hair. Who doesn't want long, healthy hair?

6. I can tell this is a portrait because both covers have the subject's names on them and the one on "Locks" is Jaye.

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