Friday, January 22, 2016

Yearbook Introduction

Part One

1. Name of school on cover
2. Table of contents
3. Address and other information on the title page
4. Folios
5. Photos
6. Captions
7. Stories
8. Modules
9. Infographics
10. Alternative Coverage
11. Headlines
13. Subheadlines
14. Thematic elements
15. Dividers
16. Polls and surveys
17. Mugshots
18. Dominant Photos
19. Photo credits
20. Year on the cover
21. Name of yearbook and which volume it is on spine/cover
22. Colophon
23. Index

Part Two

1. Getting to know Rouse
2. Rouse High School
3. Some thematic elements evident throughout the book are the color scheme, maroon and gold, the use of the word "us", the fonts, the use of the phrase "getting to know", the designs of infographics.
4. There are 5 sections in this yearbook, "Summer," "Fall," "Winter," "Spring," "And So On..."
5. My favorite spread is the "Winter / Football Playoffs" spread on page 116.
6. Yes, it starts on page 212.
7. Yes.
8. Yes on the front end sheet.
9. 2,040 students go to this school.
10. This book is from Leander, Texas.

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Magazine Cover Peer Review

Peer's Magazine Covers

1. I looked mainly at "Cat Life" by Abby.

2. I liked her photo and her color palette she chose for this cover. I also love the cover lines because they're relevant to the audience Abby is going for. 

3. I'm a huge cat lover, so I saw the cat on the cover, and it grabbed my attention to look further into it. Also, the way that the cat's eye and the background match caught my attention as well.

4. Yes, there is a barcode and it's the appropriate size and location.

5. I would probably look at the magazine cover, but I wouldn't look further inside of it. I do love cats, but I don't think I love them enough to read an entire magazine about them.

6. I can tell that this is a self portrait cover because I know Abby. If I wasn't sure who she was or what she looked like, I probably wouldn't be able to tell if this was a self portrait or a regular portrait.

Peer's Magazine Covers

1. I looked mainly at "The Twilight Howl" by Aurora. 

2. I liked how the title of the magazine and the cover lines relate to the photo chosen.

3. A way that Aurora could improve her cover would be to change the color of the cover lines to make it easier to read, and to put her cover title on the top of the magazine instead of the bottom.

4. Yes, there is a barcode and it's the appropriate size and location.

5. I'm not that interested in dogs, so I probably would't pick up this magazine in Barnes and Noble.

6. I can tell this is a portrait and not a self portrait because the photo chosen for the cover is of an adorable dog.

Peer's Magazine Covers

1. I looked mainly at "Locks" by Jaye.

2. I really like the photo chosen and the color and fonts that were used on this cover as well.

3. A way Jaye could improve her cover would be to use more red instead of just having one of her cover lines in red and the rest in blue. 

4. Yes, there is a barcode, but I think it might be a little too big, but it's in the right spot.

5. I probably would pick up this magazine if I saw it in Barnes and Noble because Jaye's cover lines are really interesting to me, and I can relate to this magazine because I have a lot of hair. Who doesn't want long, healthy hair?

6. I can tell this is a portrait because both covers have the subject's names on them and the one on "Locks" is Jaye.

Prompt Shoot Peer Review

Peer's Blog 

1. My favorite photo was the black and white "Connected" photo because I feel like the photo portrays a lot of emotion and it shows leading lines and the rule of thirds.

2. My least favorite photo was the first "Connected" photo of the bike because I feel like the photo is just really busy. I think it would've looked a little less busy if the photographer would've gotten closer to the subject. 

3. The photos are very creative, the photographer really didn't settle for the easy shots. Also, the photos are cropped in a really interesting way that adds to the overall look of the photo in a good way. 

4. An area that the photographer should work on is including more composition rules into her photos. Besides that, I enjoyed her photos.

5. I think the photographer was the best at portraying the "The End" prompt.

6. I think the photographer was least successful portraying the "Pause" prompt.

Prompt Shoot 3




The End

Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Favorites of the Year

This is one of my favorite photos of the year because it symbolizes unity between two people in front of the United States of America flag. It makes me think of all of the terrorist attacks that happened throughout the year all over the world and how the rest of the countries united in mourning over the ones who lost their lives. I was also attracted to the high aperture resulting in just the hands being in focus with the flag blurred in the background. 

This is another one of my favorite photos of the year because it shows the beauty of the world. Even though there is so much hate in the world, it's still a beautiful place. I also love the symmetry that's created in this photo. The lightning bolts also create lines.

I also love this picture because it portrays a very deep message within the photo. It represents all the fighting going on in the world right now. It also has framing with the gun, and it's very impactful in black and white.

Part Two

I think the biggest song of 2015 was "See You Again" by Wiz Khalifa ft. Charlie Puth. This song was number 5 on the top 100 songs of 2015. This one is my favorite because Paul Walker had such an impact on his fan base and his death was hard to deal with for his fans. I think the fact that Wiz Khalifa made a song in his honor is an amazing and generous thing to do. The song was definitely a tear jerker and it was a beautifully emotional song.

My favorite movie of 2015 was Inside Out. I think this movie had a great theme and portrayed the emotions and thoughts of a young girl very well. I liked how the movie proved that not everyone is happy all the time, and it shows that being sad sometimes is okay. This movie also left a lasting impression on me personally because it got me thinking about other people's emotions.

The biggest news story of 2015 is that same sex marriage in the United States was legalized. This is a huge step in equality for everyone in the country. It made me happy to see that people could now freely love and marry who ever they wanted to with no legal boundaries anymore. I believe that people should be able to be themselves no matter how unique they are and society shouldn't be allowed to control that.

The Person of the Year 2015 goes to Caitlyn Jenner. When Caitlyn came out as a transgender woman it opened the door of opportunities for other people who may be struggling with identity issues themselves. She serves as a symbol of being herself and being who she feels she is. I think she was very brave to talk about her transition with the world.

I think the biggest sports story of 2015 was when Tom Brady took part in the deflate gate and the deflated football scandal. I think this was so huge because before this I always thought of Tom Brady as an athlete who was true and a good sport. This scandal changed my perspective of him greatly.

Part Three

1. One thing I will remember from my Winter Break was how busy I was. The first week I went to the Bahamas for the first week with my dad and then on a cruise to Cozumel, Mexico, Grand Cayman and Jamaica the second week with my mom.

2. My resolutions for 2016 are to stay organized and clean. I also want to stay on top of my grades and turn things in on time. My last resolution is to not make any enemies this year and try to fix things with the ones I made in 2015.

3. I'm looking forward to getting my driver's license this year in October. I also can't wait for my softball season this summer because we'll finally be in 16U and the difficulty will go up and I'm excited for the challenge.