Thursday, December 3, 2015

My Favorite Cover

The Advocate, December 2014/January 2015, Person of the Year
Photograph by Junko Kimura
"How do you show Vladimir Putin—a deliberate and calculating persecutor of minorities in his own country—as Person of the Year, without having to explain your choice? We approached this several ways, before deciding on the provocative placement of the cover line. It was a statement, and one we felt justified as a reference to the way in which Putin’s transgressions had gone relatively unpunished. The image was not altered in any way (despite some fevered blogs claiming otherwise); we just had the colors match the old propaganda images of the wartime era."

This is my favorite magazine cover because it conveys the truth about Vladimir Putin without altering Putin himself. It compares Putin to Hitler without directly saying it. I like how he was a cutout put onto a solid black background because it makes Putin himself pop off the cover. I also love the simple design and neutral colors of this cover because it creates a sad tone without being to flashy about it. The placement of the headline creates a controversial subject and pushes boundaries for what is socially acceptable, which I think is a very brave and interesting thing to do. I applaud the designers and editors of this magazine cover because it really does push the envelope and create a meaningful and reflective cover. 

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