Thursday, December 3, 2015

Fashion Photography

1. Her face was slimmed down, her lips were made bigger and moved down, they added more contour to her face to make her cheekbones pop out more and her eyes were made bigger. 

2. They made her legs longer, her feet smaller, arms, legs and stomach slimmer, lightened her skin, and her neck longer.

3. They edited this model a lot. They completely slimmed her down, made her chest bigger in proportion to her new body, made her hair longer, and made an entirely new person. 

4. No, it is not ethically acceptable to change a model's appearance. It ruins girl's self esteem and says that the models aren't good the way they are. It's showing a distorted version of beauty.

5. I think in every situation editing a model's appearance is ethically unacceptable. I don't think there's a time when it's worse than other times, it's bad every time.

6. I think the only changes that would be considered acceptable would be simple lighting changes like we do in class. Fixing the levels of a photo is okay, fixing the model is not.

7. I think the difference between fashion photography and photojournalism is in photojournalism it's understood that photoshopping photos isn't okay. In fashion photography, a lot of brands still photoshop their models into an entirely new person. 

8. Photojournalism is more used to portray a certain aspect of life and taking photos that convey a story to the audience. Fashion photography shows people what people think beauty should look like. I think fashion photography has a huge impact on people because they see the edited photos and think if they don't look like that, they aren't beautiful. Photojournalism is ethical because it doesn't change the way something is, it just changes the perspective of things in a way to tell a story. Fashion photography is unethical because it does the opposite of that, it doesn't tell a story, it changes the way something or someone is.

9. I think you're showing us these videos to try to inspire us to make a difference and change the way fashion photography edits their models. Also, to make us realize the way fashion photography perceives fashion so that maybe one day people will understand that beauty comes in all different shapes and sizes. 

10. I think none of these videos are about guys because boys don't have the same pressure as girls to look perfect all the time. Of course boys have pressure to look good as well, but for girls it's on a whole other level. People typically accept boys easier than they accept how a girl looks. It's a sad thing that people shouldn't have to deal with, no matter what gender they are.

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