Thursday, February 18, 2016

Intro to Newspaper Design

1. My favorite newspaper I looked at was "The Wall Street Journal Europe" from Brussels, Belgium because I like how it has the same color scheme throughout the entire cover page. The colors used are consistent.

2. My favorite headline from this newspaper is "U.N. Relief Reaches Besieged Syrian Towns" because it's a headline that's related to every country in the world at the moment, because the Syria situation impacts everyone. This headline is interesting because since it's something everyone relates with, it's interesting to me to see the different perspectives of this situation from other countries.

3. There are six stories on the cover of this magazine.

4. I noticed that all newspapers have their magazine title in big letters centered on the top and right under that is the main story of the magazine. The text and length of stories decreases as you get lower on the cover. On the sides there are always a few skinny stories bordering the main one.

5. Some things that are different about every magazine are the number of photos on the cover, the number of stories and the things the staff decides to include on the cover.

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