Thursday, November 12, 2015

Love and Loss Warm-Up

1. These photographs made me feel a lot of different emotions. The first few made me feel happy and giddy for the two. They made me smile to look at them. When she first had breast cancer in the beginning you can see the hope in her face, but you could also see the pain she felt. Her pain was translated through the photos. The more pictures I looked at, the sadder I felt. I wanted her to make it through so badly for them. The last three pictures made me tear up a little bit. They made me feel really sad.

2. I totally agree with the photographer's quote "These photographs do not define us, but they are us." I think that's true, especially these photos. The photographer said this to show how much those photos meant to him. Photographs have the ability to let other people see inside your life.

3. I think I would try to take photos like this if I were in that situation. I would probably be very upset while taking the photos though. I would feel guilty that I was spending our time together with a camera. I'd want to be able to enjoy those last few moments together. At the same time, I'd want to take the photos to be able to have that connection forever.

4. If I could write Angelo a letter, I'd tell him that his photographs are outstanding. The way he was able to portray their emotions through the lens is amazing. I'd also tell him that I'm so so sorry for his loss and to stay strong. Losing someone is a tough thing to deal with, but at least he has those photographs to look at when he gets sad. She'll be with him forever now.

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